Minecraft Bedrock Server
Cross-platform multiplayer game server supporting mobile, console, and Windows 10 players.
OS: Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) | Version: 1.21.44
Minecraft Bedrock Server enables cross-platform gameplay for Minecraft’s Bedrock Edition, supporting players across mobile devices, consoles, and Windows 10. It features built-in player management, world customization, and automated backups.
The server provides enhanced performance optimization and supports add-ons for customizing gameplay experience, making it ideal for communities and gaming groups looking to create shared Minecraft experiences.
Need modding support or playing on Mac/Linux?
Try the Minecraft Java Edition server which offers extensive mod support and cross-play between Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms.
Get Started
Once your server instance is running, wait a few moments for it to complete the initial setup. After setup, access the server’s command line interface with:
Command Line Access
Use the following command to enter the Bedrock server’s screen session:
sudo screen -r mcserver/mcbedrock
To exit the screen without stopping the server, press CTRL + A, then CTRL + D.
Control server availability with start, stop, and auto-start options.
Start and Stop Server
To start your server, use:
sudo systemctl start mcbedrock
To stop your server, use:
sudo systemctl stop mcbedrock
Enable/Disable Server at Boot
To set the server to start automatically on boot, use:
sudo systemctl enable mcbedrock
To disable automatic startup, use:
sudo systemctl disable mcbedrock
Check Server Status
To confirm if the server is running and view its status, use:
sudo systemctl status mcbedrock
Updating the server involves stopping it, downloading the latest version, and restoring configuration files. Follow these steps for a smooth update process.
1. Stop Server
Before starting the update, you need to shut down the server:
sudo systemctl stop mcbedrock
2. Backup Configuration
To retain your server’s settings, create a backup of server.properties:
sudo cp /home/mcserver/minecraft_bedrock/server.properties /home/mcserver/server.properties.bkup
3. Download and Install Update
Get the latest download URL:
DOWNLOAD_URL=$(curl -sL https://minecraft.net/en-us/download/server/bedrock/ | grep -o 'https.*/bin-linux/.*.zip')
Download the updated server:
sudo wget "$DOWNLOAD_URL" -O /home/mcserver/minecraft_bedrock/bedrock-server.zip
Extract the archive and overwrite files:
sudo unzip -o /home/mcserver/minecraft_bedrock/bedrock-server.zip -d /home/mcserver/minecraft_bedrock/
Remove the downloaded archive:
sudo rm /home/mcserver/minecraft_bedrock/bedrock-server.zip
4. Restore Settings and Permissions
Move the backup configuration file:
sudo mv /home/mcserver/server.properties.bkup /home/mcserver/minecraft_bedrock/server.properties
Set ownership of server files:
sudo chown -R mcserver:mcserver /home/mcserver/
5. Restart the Server
Start the server to complete the update:
sudo systemctl start mcbedrock
Your server is now running the latest version with restored settings.
Official Documentation
For detailed technical information and the latest updates on configuring and managing Minecraft Bedrock servers, refer to the official documentation provided by Mojang.
This resource offers comprehensive insights into protocols, server settings, and advanced configurations for Bedrock servers.
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