How to Install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu Server 24.04

If you're tired of editing your database one command at a time, phpMyAdmin is the answer.
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MySQL and MariaDB are two of the most popular databases used by websites and server applications to store data. One common complaint about using databases is that it can be cumbersome to manage 2D tables from the command line. So today, I’ll show you step-by-step instructions to install a visual solution to database management: phpMyAdmin.

Prerequisites for phpMyAdmin

Software requirements:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu Server 24.04 or another Linux distro
  • Web server: such as Apache, Nginx, or Caddy for the web interface.
  • PHP: a dependency to run phpMyAdmin.
  • Database: only MySQL and MariaDB are supported.

Hardware requirements:

  • Processor: 1 CPU core
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM minimum
  • Storage: 30 MB free space

PhpMyAdmin Installation on Ubuntu Server 24.04

As mentioned, this guide assumes you already have a website stack installed.
For instance:

  • LAMP stack (Linux + Apache + PHP + MySQL)
  • LEMP stack (Linux + Nginx + PHP + MySQL)
  • LCMP stack (Linux + Caddy + PHP + MySQL)

If you want a quick way to get a website stack, try our 1-click installers for Apache or Nginx from the LifeinCloud marketplace.

1. Install the phpMyAdmin package:

sudo apt install phpmyadmin

During the installation, dialogue prompts will appear.

2. Choose the Web Server

You’ll be asked to choose which web server you’re using for phpMyAdmin. How you answer here will differ based on your setup.

If you’re using Apache: mark Apache using the spacebar, and hit Enter.

phpmyadmin installer prompt for web server

For Nginx instead: without marking anything, Tab down to Ok to skip this question.

Or if you’re using Caddy: without marking anything, Tab down to Ok to skip this question.

Next, you’ll get a request to configure phpMyAdmin with dbconfig-common:

phpmyadmin installer prompt for db-common config

Choosing Yes here is the easier option.

3. Create a phpMyAdmin Password

You’ll be prompted to create a password for the default ‘phpmyadmin’ user.
This username will be used to access the web interface later. Create a strong password to continue.

Then, phpMyAdmin will try to connect to your MySQL database automatically.
During the process, it might request the ‘root’ user password—this is your password for MySQL and not your Linux system.

Note: if you’ve never set a password for MySQL, you’ll get an error here.
The installer will ask you to Abort or Retry. Choose Abort to quit out.

Use this command to set your MySQL password:
sudo mysql -u root -p

Once that’s done, restart the installation from the top.

After these responses, phpMyAdmin should finish installing on its own.

4. Configure the Web Server for phpMyAdmin

The final step involves getting your particular web server to load the phpMyAdmin web interface.

Skip down to your web server of choice. When you’re finished, jump to the next section to log in.

Apache: Finishing Touches

The option we marked to use Apache earlier has already configured everything for us.

All we need to do is restart Apache:
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Nginx: Finishing Touches

phpMyAdmin resides on your system in /usr/share/phpmyadmin but your website files are in a different place, for instance, /var/www/mysite1.

To get Nginx to see phpMyAdmin, create a symbolic link in the website’s root directory:
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/mysite1/phpmyadmin

(Replace /var/www/mysite1 with the path to where your website is stored.)

Caddy: Finishing Touches

To get Caddy to see phpMyAdmin, create a symbolic link in the website’s root directory:
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/mysite1/phpmyadmin

(Replace /var/www/mysite1 with the path to where your website is stored.)

Phew, we’re done with the installation, and now we’re ready to start using phpMyAdmin.

Log In to the PhpMyAdmin Web Interface

Alright, it’s show time!

In your browser, visit http://IP/phpmyadmin (replace IP with your server’s address) to bring up the web interface.

phpmyadmin login web interface

Log in with these credentials:

  • Username: phpmyadmin
  • Password: the one you set during the installation.

When the dashboard loads, you’re in!

You can use phpMyAdmin to import/export databases, modify table structure, edit data, and run complex queries—all from the convenience of a web browser! Hopefully, it will make your life managing MySQL/MariaDB a lot easier.


Should I take extra precautions to secure phpMyAdmin?

Yes. Since it’s commonly found on websites, phpMyAdmin is a popular target.

Here are some security steps I recommend you take:

For more security tips, check out the official documentation.

Picture of Thomas Dyan

Thomas Dyan

Thomas is a staff writer for LifeinCloud whose experience crosses over into server administration, computer networking, and web software. Thomas has been tinkering with hardware and software most of his life. When he’s not writing about tech, he likes to watch standup, build mechanical keyboards, and read science fiction.

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